An online Shopping Cart is available for this outdoor clothes & gear department. Any items of outdoor clothing & gear that we currently have available, can be ordered by following links to a particular clothing or gear manufacturer . . . then each product shown leads to an order page which also contains item descriptions, prices, etc.
Should you wish to order by phone, our helpful staff will take your call at: (715) 479-8804
Or email us: fishing@eaglesportscenter.com
We accept
fly fishing vests:
Cortland, Hodgman & Orvis vests
wading gear:
Hodgman Waders & Shoes
wool clothes:
NEW BIG BILL Outdoorwear
Eagle Sports . . . offers a wide selection of outdoor clothing at great prices. From warm Winter clothing and footwear to the very best of Summer outdoor wear for the hiker, hunter and angler. Be sure to check out the Footwear Section for your Sorel, Baffin, Kamik, and LaCrosse boots and accessories. Hodgman waders are also available!
Fly fishers will like the Orvis & Cortland fly fishing vests. These are all quality manufacturers, known for the warmth and durability of their goods. We also carry wool shirts, pants, and bibs by BIG BILL.
We guarantee fast and economical shipping!!
For long underwear we carry a unique extra warm and comfortable fleece by Hodgman, and PolarMax polypropelene. Both of these go well with our Wigwam and Columbia extra-warm socks.